The 2022-2023 school year marked half a century since Western Reserve Academy welcomed the re-admittance of women, and this remarkable mile marker propelled us into a time of celebration, action and impact. Since 1972, Reserve has only grown stronger and more dynamic with the inclusion of female Pioneers, a network of women that spans the globe and is an amazing community of leaders, doctors, investors, teachers, mothers, artists, architects and more. 

In 2023, our Head of School Suzanne Walker Buck set off to reconnect with this community, traveling to destinations such as Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles and Boston and presenting countless opportunities for connection and celebration. Stay tuned for news about future events in your area.

We're Stronger Together

50 Brilliant Years, our name for this momentous milestone and event series, also includes a special call for action and an opportunity to make a difference.


... open doors for future female pioneers

Based on research compiled by the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, we know that women currently control ⅓ of the world’s wealth. Studies found that in 2021, women held $12 trillion in assets and are projected to have $30 trillion by 2030. At Reserve, though we typically only see a small percentage of alumnae contributing to The WRA Fund, this formidable group consistently raises a significant sum. It’s hard not to imagine the impact a united alumnae effort could have at this school and for future young women.

50 Brilliant Years challenges the women of Reserve to come together to establish an endowed scholarship for future female students who demonstrate significant financial need. It’s the first scholarship designated specifically for young women, and one that will open doors for future female Pioneers.

Make Your Gift Today 

It's Our Time to Shine

As we continue to connect with WRA women across the country, it’s clear that every alumna has a unique story to share, but a throughline is the Reserve experience — and the knowledge that it can be life changing. In the spirit of Lux, we’ve shared the phrase “It’s our time to shine” and indeed, it’s a fitting and rallying call to arms! Let’s shine a bright light on the women of Reserve and celebrate this historic mile marker — and let's light the way forward for the next generation.