These are critical lenses that help us understand the complexity and nuances of our students’ experiences, maximize the potential of each student, strengthen our ability to equip our students with the tools they need to succeed, and create an environment where every student's perspective and voice is valued and heard.

We all have dreams of a better tomorrow. And that starts with action today.

Jordanne Nichols ’23

Know that you belong and are welcome

We understand that diversity of thought and experience is critical to sustaining and strengthening our institutional values. We are committed to fostering experiences in all aspects of life at Reserve — programmatic, academic, residential and more — in support of this. In doing this, we hope every student feels a profound and sincere sense of belonging and knows without doubt that here, they can flourish.

This is not only aspirational, this is fundamental to our mission and to our history. We are proud of the moments in our past where we played a role, even a small role, in the rich history of social justice that only a school as old as ours can claim. Being able to look back at Reserve's role in the Underground Railroad or share that Frederick Douglass delivered a Commencement Address on our campus in 1854 are events that inspire us to do more and do better.

A Commitment

We recognize there is a gap between what we aspire to do and our current state. Together, we are working to bridge that gap. Institutionally, we approach this work from a place of humility; as we make progress, we realize we will likely make mistakes and constantly learn. Given our passion and steadfast commitment, we are confident our words and actions will and indeed must continue to evolve. This is an ever-important journey, another step forward with hope and purpose ever top of mind.

    Meet the DEIB Team

    The DEIB Committee is dedicated to ensuring respect, appreciation and celebration of the composition of our community. Reserve's student population is incredibly diverse — not just in terms of race — and our DEIB Committee is committed to working with members of the WRA community to make sure we examine how all aspects of Reserve function through a DEIB lens, informing how we teach, how we resolve conflicts and more.​​​​

    The Student DEIB Committee

    The Student DEIB Committee is an engaged and committed group of students who work to facilitate communication between students and school, as well as advise and offer personal perspective on DEIB decisions. As members of the Student DEIB Committee, they receive training in DEIB work so that they may act as a liaison between students and faculty to share questions, concerns and issues.

    Customs, Traditions, Holidays

    Western Reserve Academy's student-led affinity groups, host events, spread awareness and create an inclusive and celebratory environment in support of diversity. Part of the Reserve experience is learning about new customs, traditions and various holidays, either from the efforts of our students groups or other community members. There is always opportunity for our students to broaden our offerings with new ideas, events and organizations.

    Please feel free contact the DEIB Committee at [email protected] if you have any new ideas, new events or new affinity groups you'd like to see on campus.