The Magic In Boarding Schools

A graduate of both the Fay School and Miss Porter's School, Mrs. Buck says she knew as early as the fifth grade that the world of boarding schools held a spell of magic and could always foresee returning to work in such an extraordinary environment.

After graduating from Connecticut College, Mrs. Buck joined Westminster School as an Admission Counselor, Dorm Parent, and Field Hockey & Lacrosse Coach. From Westminster, she attended graduate school earning degrees in clinical social work from Columbia University and in education from Harvard University. She has since held posts at Fay School, New Hampton School, and most recently as the Rector (Head of School) at Chatham Hall in Chatham, Virginia.

Community is a way of celebrating our shared humanity.

Mrs. Buck | Convocation, August 2024

Life Outside WRA

Beyond our walls, Mrs. Buck is the Co-Chair of the Board of The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS), the Vice President of the Cleveland Council of Independent Schools (CCIS), and she also serves on the Board of Heads and Principals Association. She is married to Johnny Buck, art teacher, coach and advisor. They have a daughter, Halsey '24, and two children from Johnny's first marriage, Oliver and Nina.

Innovations & Achievements

At Western Reserve Academy, Mrs. Buck made history when she took up her post as Head of School, the first woman to ever hold the position, an inveterate Pioneer. She guided us confidently through the squall of COVID-19, earning attention from The New York Times; charted a course for success through the development of our Strategic Plan; and is currently spearheading the celebration of our most historic milestone, our Bicentennial.

These historic achievements are partnered with another — one with an impact that is incalculable but titanic. Joy. Every touchpoint, every event, every meeting, every conversation is infused with the feeling. She has a propensity and affinity for joy, and it has become an anchor for our community, keeping us buoyant and facing forward. As such, we have seen an uptick in fireworks, in birthday parties and school spirit, but she reminds our students that joy is more than happiness and fun — it is the by-product of hard work; it is intentional and practiced.

If a good Head of School is one who checks off all objectives on a To Do list, a great leader is one who motivates and inspires. We know we are in great hands with Mrs. Buck at the helm. 

The Best of Mrs. Buck!

Mrs. Buck is always seeking ways to help Reserve deliver on its mission to provide an unrivaled educational experience, one that is illuminated by tradition, sparked by innovation and energized by joy. Take a look at some of a few special moments and pieces that we have highlighted to demonstrate this.