WRA’s Young Scholars Program is a fully-funded, interdisciplinary, intensive two-week residential experience designed to provide academic opportunities beyond those available at most middle schools. The program seeks up to twenty current seventh and eighth-grade students from smaller communities throughout Ohio who have demonstrated exceptional academic ability and genuine intellectual curiosity across a broad range of academic areas.

Last year’s program was entitled “Guarding the Golden Door: The Triumphs and Tragedies of American Immigration, 1790 to the Present.” Using literature, media resources, and field trips to various related local and regional points of interest, students gained a far greater appreciation of the immigrant experience and the impact immigrants have had on our nation. This year our theme will be “Carry Me Home: The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s.” Students will explore this theme using the combined academic lenses of math, science, history, literature, music, and cinematic arts. As has been the case for the past several summers, one major goal of the program will be to have students research and write their own original theatrical production incorporating themes learned throughout the two weeks.

Click here to read the full brochure.

Program and Tuition Information

Through a generous gift, the program is offered free of charge. While admission is competitive, each enrolled student receives a full scholarship worth nearly $3,000 that includes class materials, all trips and activities, and room and board.

Over the past few years, Young Scholars have enjoyed trips to theater performances, lakes and parks, museums, landmarks, baseball games and more. The WRA campus and its facilities allow for indoor/outdoor athletic activities, including swimming and the use of classroom technology. Additionally, a notebook computer is issued to each student for use during the program.

YSP was the best experience I've ever had. It really expanded my view of learning and gave me better confidence to talk during class. The program also really got me ready for high school.

Mason J. (YSP '22, '23)

My time at YSP was impactful. There is a lot you find out about yourself when you are with new people in a new environment and that is what I am most grateful for.

Owen H. (YSP '21)

For me, YSP was truly life-changing. It showed me the opportunities I was missing out on. Whether it was trips downtown for milkshakes or watching movies with my friends at night, the whole experience gave me a glimpse of what I've come to love about WRA.

Finn F. (YSP '21)

The Young Scholars Program impacted me greatly through the friends I made and the experiences we shared together. We grew close, sharing lots of laughs in museums, downtown Hudson and working on projects together.

Lilian K. (YSP '21)

Application Process*

*Applications, including an official school transcript, are accepted on a rolling basis until May 16, 2025.

Please direct all questions to: 

Or email [email protected]